Cockroaches, bedbugs... to eradicate them, don't use banned products!
Expositions au produit SNIPER 1000 EC DDVP®

Cockroaches, bedbugs... to eradicate them, don't use banned products!

Between January 2018 and June 2023, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) and the poison control centres registered 163 cases of poisoning related to SNIPER 1000 EC DDVP. This product contains the insecticide dichlorvos, which is banned in France.
Occupational exposure to formaldehyde: an established link with myeloid leukaemia
 Expositions professionnelles au formaldéhyde : un lien avéré avec des leucémies myéloïdes

Occupational exposure to formaldehyde: an established link with myeloid leukaemia

Formaldehyde is classified as a carcinogen. ANSES carried out an expert appraisal showing that workers are exposed to this substance in many occupations and sectors. It concluded that there is an established causal link between occupational exposure to formaldehyde and myeloid leukaemia. This conclusion is a strong argument in favour of the creation of occupational disease tables in the French agricultural and general social security schemes, as this would facilitate recognition of this disease for exposed workers.
Health of flight crew members
personnels naviguants

Health of flight crew members

Solar and cosmic radiation, air contamination in aircraft cabins, irregular hours and night work: flight crew members are exposed to a wide range of nuisances and unique working conditions. ANSES reviews the current state of knowledge on the subject and calls for further research, considering in particular situations of multiple exposure involving these workers.
A method for assessing the carcinogenicity of work processes
Une méthode pour évaluer la cancérogénicité des procédés de travail

A method for assessing the carcinogenicity of work processes

In addition to exposure to chemical substances and products, some occupational activities and working conditions can cause or promote the onset of cancer. ANSES has developed a methodology to assess the carcinogenicity of these work processes, in order to better prevent the associated risks to workers.
Review of ANSES’s work on prosulfocarb
Paysage de campagne

Review of ANSES’s work on prosulfocarb

Prosulfocarb is one of the most widely sold herbicidal active substances in France. For several years now, ANSES has been paying close attention to the problems posed by spray drift of prosulfocarb products. For example, the Agency has examined deposits on non-target crops following prosulfocarb treatments. It has also updated its assessment of products with regard to the exposure of local residents. Below we take stock of the work carried out by ANSES since 2017.
Antimicrobial resistance in animals: bacterium/antibiotic combinations for priority monitoring
Résistance aux antibiotiques chez les animaux : des couples bactérie/antibiotique à surveiller en priorité

Antimicrobial resistance in animals: bacterium/antibiotic combinations for priority monitoring

Antimicrobial resistance has been identified by the WHO as one of the major global threats to public health. The transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacteria from animals to humans is one of the sources that can lead to therapeutic "dead-ends" in the treatment of certain diseases. ANSES has drafted a list of 11 "bacterium/antibiotic class" combinations requiring priority monitoring in animals, given the major issues for human health. This expert appraisal forms part of the preparation for the national EcoAntibio 3 plan, which aims to continue the progress already made in reducing antibiotic use in animal health.
Beware of burns to children from disinfectants used in schools
Désinfectant dans les écoles

Beware of burns to children from disinfectants used in schools

Around a hundred accidents were caused by products used to disinfect toilets or furniture in nursery schools over the period 2017-2022. These accidents were mainly due to improper use of disinfectants. Although most of the accidents were not serious, one child required a skin graft..
Coral reefs in the French overseas territories: the impact of chemicals is confirmed
récifs coraliens

Coral reefs in the French overseas territories: the impact of chemicals is confirmed

The coral reefs are a part of the ecosystems affected by climate disruption. But what do we know about the impact of chemicals on these reefs? With the support of the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB), ANSES has looked into the health risks of these substances. Of the hundred or so substances identified as potentially toxic to corals, the Agency was able to carry out a risk assessment for around fifty of them, based mainly on data available from Guadeloupe, Martinique, Réunion Island and Mayotte. These include UV filters, hydrocarbons, pesticides and metals. The report shows that half of the substances assessed may present risks for coral reefs and contribute to their degradation. The Agency warns that, in the absence of available data, this number is very likely to be underestimated.
Bed bugs are a financial burden and reduce quality of life for many people in France
punaises de lit

Bed bugs are a financial burden and reduce quality of life for many people in France

Between 2017 and 2022, more than one in 10 French households were infested by bed bugs. Contrary to popular belief, their presence does not indicate a lack of cleanliness, and anyone can fall victim to an infestation in their home. Moreover, bed bugs are a costly nuisance for households in metropolitan France, considering the expense of treatment and the psychological impact. The Agency therefore recommends that certain households be provided with financial assistance to cover the costs associated with exterminating bed bugs. It also recommends that professionals and private individuals favour alternative control methods instead of chemical insecticides.
How can consumers be effectively protected from foodborne E. coli infections?
Infections alimentaires à E. coli : comment protéger davantage de consommateurs ?

How can consumers be effectively protected from foodborne E. coli infections?

Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) bacteria can cause potentially severe foodborne infections, mainly in young children, the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals. In a new expert appraisal, ANSES classifies the strains of the bacterium responsible for serious forms of infection and makes recommendations for improving the monitoring of contamination risks in products before they are placed on the market. In this context, the Agency is reiterating the importance of continuing to apply good hygiene measures and comply with cooking recommendations; moreover, it notes that susceptible population groups should continue to avoid eating certain foods.
